The School Counselor Epic

This is an account of a first year school counselor!! Yikes!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

More consistency

Well, two months have passed since my last blog. The time has flown and so much has happened. I am continually amazed the issues elementary students have in their lives. Many of these problems break my heart and I wonder how these students survive each day. I'm also amazed at the family system and what it has become. All I know is that I'm there by God's amazing plan to make a difference in a child's life. Each day I ask Him to present opportunities to show His love and mercy to those around me. I'm very thankful for being where I am. It's such a perfect job and environment for me. dear friends...pray for me as I go each day to my job...pray for guidance...pray for opportunties and wisdom to help those kids who need it.

Monday, September 1, 2008

A new beginning

Wow. I had intended to post more regularly than this, but things have been so crazy, I've been too tired to post. There are so many aspects to counseling that are new to me....well...I guess that would be...everything!! The most rewarding has been when two separate students came to me and said that they were so glad that they talked to me. That's what it's all about. Making sure that students feel safe and heard. I do love my job and I know that I will adjust and find the balance of being a working mom. It's taking some time, but I will adjust. I've come to the realization that God wouldn't have put me at that school, in that situation, if I was not able to handle it. I know I'm where I should be!

Monday, August 4, 2008

A new adventure begins

As I spend my last days of "freedom", I look back on how God has really brought things into place. He provided all the right babysitters at the right times, provided the right schedule for school so I could get my degree and provided the perfect job at the perfect time. Now as I realize I have one day left before I am a full-time working mom(well, at least working outside of the home), I start to get butterflies and wonder if I'm ready for this. I know I am...and I'm excited, but nervous at the same time. I'm ready for this new adventure in my life and pray can use it to honor God in the best way possible.

Monday, June 16, 2008

A new change

Well, as you can see, I've changed up my blog. It is to reflect the new color of my office...PURPLE. I 'm so excited to get started. It was all inspired by a cute little lamp I found for my office that is fun and elementary!!! It's a medium purple with multicolor swirls on it. Hopefully this week I'll be able to get in and get 'er done!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The journey begins Part 2

I officially get to move into my new office tomorrow. Hard to believe that I'm going to actually be a school counselor. It really hit me when we were having a new staff get together. We had to put our name and grade on our name tag. I wrote my name, then put "counselor". YIKES!!! What responsibility. I had the Emotionally Distrubed teacher (no, she's not ED, but the kids she will have will be) come to me and say "we'll be working together a lot". I said "okay" (realizing that I know a lot less about the ED population than I think I do!!!). But all will be okay. I will prevail.....yea, I will...I can do this.....I'm...educate, right?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Free at at last

Okay, so it's's over. I finally graduated last Sunday. I was a full day with the hooding in the morning (went pretty quick), a wonderful luncheon provided by the counseling department at noon and then the commencement at 3:00. It was very exciting walking across that stage, hearing my name read and my family and friends cheering me on. Then I sat down to endure the LONG reading of the undergrad. Yes, us mature graduate students were so bored we were flipping our tassles on the hats around and trying to catch them in our mouths. We are so mature!!!

But it's done, it's over and I feel like a huge weight has been removed. My friend that I sat next to at graduation kept telling me how well rested I have been looking. Guess I didn't know how exhausted I looked! Eek!! :)

I am thrilled to be moving onto my next adventure...being an actual school counselor. I am sensing it will be filled with more adventure than I imagined, but I'm up for it. As for now...I am enjoying my time off!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Last day

Tonight is my last internship class. I'm done, I'm done, I'm done. Senioritis has hit bad. I'm tired, I'm exhausted (aren't those the same?) and ready to take some time off. That's all I can think of to say because my brain is so tired..and mushy....and done! Thanks.